Vitamin Elite Day & Night + Pillbox


The total value of the products out of the pack: PLN31.98

Tax included

Advanced Multivitamin Complex Day & Night - 60 kaps.

Porcja: 1 kaps.
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 30
Opakowanie: 60 kaps.
Mass net: 71.40 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 1 kaps. % RWS*
Kapsułka na dzień - -
Ekstrakt Bioflawonoidów Cytrusowych z Gorzkiej Pomarańczy [owoc] (Citrus aurantium) [50% Hesperydyny] 100 mg -
- w tym hesperydyny 50 mg -
Ekstrakt Guarany [Nasiona] (Paullinia cupana) [22% kofeiny] 200 mg -
- w tym kofeina 44 mg -
Ekstrakt z imbiru (Zingiber officinale) (korzeń/kłącze) (standaryzowany na zawartość min. 5% gingeroli) 100 mg -
- w tym gingerole 5 mg -
Witamina E (mg α-TE) 21 mg 175%
Witamina C 315 mg 394%
Tiamina 19.6 mg 1782%
Ryboflawina (witamina B2) 2.45 mg 175%
Niacyna (mg NE) 28 mg 175%
Witamina B6 12.45 mg 889%
Kwas foliowy 350 µg 175%
Witamina B12 4.38 µg 175%
Biotyna 87.5 µg 175%
Kwas pantotenowy 10.5 µg 175%
Kapsułka na noc - -
Kwas Gamma-Aminomasłowy (GABA) 300 mg -
Kwas D-Asparaginowy (DAA) 100 mg -
L-tryptofan 100 mg -
Melatonina 1 mg -
Magnez 135 mg 36%
Żelazo 14 mg 100%
Cynk 10 mg 100%
Miedź 1 mg 100%
Mangan 1.8 mg 90%
Selen 55 µg 100%
Chrom 40 µg 100%
Molibden 50 µg 100%
Jod 150 µg 100%

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: ELITE DAY & NIGHT (DAY - kapsułka na dzień): kompleks witamin [witamina C (kwas askorbinowy); niacyna (amid kwasu nikotynowego); witamina E (octan DL-alfa-tokoferolu); kwas pantotenowy (D-pantotenian wapnia); witamina B6 (chlorowodorek pirydoksyny); witamina B2 (ryboflawina); witamina B1 (chlorowodorek tiaminy; monoazotan tiaminy); kwas foliowy (kwas pteroilomonoglutaminowy); biotyna (D-biotyna); witamina B12 (cyjanokobalamina)]; ekstrakt guarany [nasiona] (Paullinia cupana) [22 % kofeiny]; otoczka kapsułki [substancja glazurująca (hydroksypropylometyloceluloza)]; ekstrakt bioflawoniodów cytrusowych z gorzkiej pomarańczy [owoc] (Citrus aurantium) [50 % hesperydyny]; ekstrakt imbiru [korzeń] (Zingiber officinale) [5 % gingeroli]; substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych). ELITE DAY & NIGHT (NIGHT - kapsułka na noc): GABA (kwas gamma-aminomasłowy); magnez (tlenek magnezu; węglan magnezu; cytrynian magnezu; mleczan magnezu); otoczka kapsułki [żelatyna; barwnik (tlenki i wodorotlenki żelaza)]; kompleks minerałów (chlorek chromu, cytrynian miedzi; jodek potasu; fumaran żelaza (II); siarczan manganu; molidbenian (VI) sodu; selenian (IV) sodu; tlenek cynku]; kwas D-asparaginowy; L-tryptofan; substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych); melatonina.

Produkt może zawierać: mleko, soję, zboża zawierające gluten, jaja, orzeszki ziemne i orzechy.

Advanced Multivitamin Complex Day & Night

Food supplement. Contains caffeine; not recommended for children or pregnant women (44 mg per daily serving). Complex with day (transparent capsule) and complex with night (black capsule). Complex with day is a vitamins complex enriched with herbal extracts. Complex with night is a minerals complex enriched with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), D-Aspartic acid (DAA) and melatonin. Pantothenic acid, manganese, copper, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Chromium, zinc contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism. Zinc, folate, copper, selenium, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Folate, pantothenic, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Melatonin contributes to the reduction of time necessary to fall asleep. Beneficial effect is obtained by consuming 1 mg of melatonin close to bedtime. Product recommended to physically active people and those who may suffer from micro and macronutrient deficiency.

Recommended use

Take a single serving of the product - 1 capsule of DAY and 1 capsule of NIGHT with 300 ml of water. Take 1 serving (1 capsule of DAY) after breakfast, and 2 serving (1 capsule of NIGHT) 30 min. before bedtime. Do not use with other products containing caffeine or other ingredients with similar effects! Recommended daily portion is 2 capsules (1 DAY capsule, 1 NIGHT capsule). Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Do not use if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. By children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product. Do not use the product in case of circulatory system problems or sensitivity to caffeine. Do not combine with alcohol! Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


Keep this packaging tightly closed in a dry place, at the temperature of 15-25°C. Keep out of reach of young children. Protect form light and moisture. After opening consume within 3 months.

Vitamin Elite Day & Night + Pillbox
