Protein and vitamins for women + shaker

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80 Whey Protein in a set with a complex of vitamins and minerals and a shaker - a perfect set for every active sports woman.

This pack contains

80 Whey Protein

80 Whey Protein od 6PAK Nutrition is a carefully developed protein supplement, from which you can prepare delicious cocktails or use as an addition to your original fit dishes. The choice of as many as 20 flavors means that there is no chance that you will ever get bored with this product.

An excellent source of protein for everyone

80 Whey Protein is an excellent proposition for all physically active people, regardless of the level of training advancement. You don't have to be an athlete to use protein. 80 Whey Protein can be used by anyone who cares about their figure, condition and well-being.

High quality raw material - WPC

The high-quality whey protein concentrate (WPC) used in the product is a complete source of protein and has a very good amino acid profile. Therefore, you can also use 80 Whey Protein not only during periods of intense training, but also on a daily basis to supplement your diet with protein.

Protein supplement in any sport

Do you train at the gym, attend fitness classes, build endurance in combat sports, do recreational running or cycling? 80 Whey Protein is the solution for you. A very simple way to prepare a cocktail and a competitive price - this is a real time and money saver for you. And the sensational flavors will not only guarantee satisfaction with a good purchase, but will also successfully satisfy the craving for "a little something" and effectively reduce your need to reach for other products that contain a lot of sugar.

Wide range of flavors to choose from

Choose one of as many as 20 excellent flavors of 80 Whey Protein and tell your friends how you take good care of your body and physical condition!

Advanced Multivitamin Complex

An advanced food supplement based on vitamins and minerals, whose assimilability / bioavailability is at a high level! The formula includes two types of capsules: transparent (containing vitamins) and black with a carefully composed mixture of minerals. Thanks to this product, you will take care of possible deficiencies of the most important microelements in your diet - quickly supplementing them. In this way, it affects the proper functioning of the body on many levels at the same time. See for yourself!

Advanced Multivitamin Complex - a high-quality product created for the most demanding people, whose physical activity and willingness to constantly overcome their own limitations is something very important. It is difficult to maintain full fitness in the case of insufficient supply of the most important vitamins and minerals, whose task is to maintain the proper functioning of the entire body, including its immunity (vitamin C, zinc), metabolic (chromium, zinc) and energy (vitamins from group B, iron , manganese) at a sufficiently high level. Of course, it is very important to provide the body's cells with adequate protection against the negative effects of free oxygen radicals. Each serving is a source of powerful antioxidants like zinc, vitamin C, manganese, copper, vitamin E and selenium. A characteristic feature of the proposed dietary supplement is its perfectly selected composition, whose appropriate balance and doses of individual active substances are conducive to efficient support of the body and enrichment of the diet. There is no room for accidents and compromises.

Advanced Multivitamin Complex - if you are looking for an advanced composition and a carefully thought-out vitamin-mineral complex, this is a product worth recommending. It is hard not to admit that its composition includes only the desired vitamins and minerals, which are not accompanied by strange, often unnecessary additives or proprietary complexes. It is worth noting that the vitamins and minerals are not mixed together and come in separate capsules, respectively transparent and black. However, their dimensions are conducive to comfort and precision of supplementation, which you will certainly appreciate.


Advanced Multivitamin Complex - 60 kaps.

Porcja: 1 kaps.
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 30
Opakowanie: 60 kaps.
Mass net: 70.80 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 1 kaps. % RWS*
Witaminy - -
Witamina A (μg RE) 716 µg 90%
Witamina D 11 µg 220%
Witamina E (mg α-TE) 27 mg 225%
Witamina C 400 mg 500%
Tiamina 19 mg 1727%
Ryboflawina 3.2 mg 229%
Niacyna (mg NE) 36 mg 225%
Witamina B6 18 mg 1286%
Kwas foliowy 450 µg 225%
Witamina B12 5.6 µg 224%
Biotyna 113 µg 226%
Kwas pantotenowy 14 mg 233%
Składniki mineralne - -
Wapń 148 mg 19%
Magnez 168 mg 45%
Żelazo 14 mg 100%
Cynk 10 mg 100%
Miedź 1 mg 100%
Mangan 1.8 mg 90%
Selen 55 µg 100%
Chrom 40 µg 100%
Molibden 50 µg 100%
Jod 150 µg 100%

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: Kapsułka witaminy: kompleks witamin [witamina C (kwas L-askorbinowy), maltodekstryna, niacyna (amid kwasu nikotynowego), tiamina (chlorowodorek tiaminy, monoazotan tiaminy), witamina E (octan DL-alfa-tokoferylu), witamina B6 (chlorowodorek pirydoksyny), kwas pantotenowy (D-pantotenian wapnia), witamina A (octan retinylu), witamina D (cholekalcyferol), ryboflawina, kwas foliowy (kwas pteroilomonoglutaminowy), biotyna (D-biotyna), witamina B12 (cyjanokobalamina)], otoczka kapsułki (żelatyna)B / [substancja glazurująca (hydroksypropylometyloceluloza)]C, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych); kapsułka składników mineralnych: kompleks minerałów [sole wapniowe kwasu ortofosforowego, tlenek magnezu, węglan magnezu, sole magnezowe kwasu cytrynowego, fumaran żelaza (II), tlenek cynku, maltodekstryna, siarczan manganu, cytrynian miedzi (II), jodek potasu, selenian (IV) sodu, molibdenian (VI) sodu, chlorek chromu (III)], otoczka kapsułki [żelatyna, barwnik (tlenki i wodorotlenki żelaza)]B / [substancja glazurująca (hydroksypropylometyloceluloza), barwnik (tlenki i wodorotlenki żelaza)]C, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych).

B,CPatrz symbol za numerem partii produkcyjnej.

Produkt może zawierać: mleko, soję, zboża zawierające gluten, jaja, orzeszki ziemne i orzechy.

Białko New 80 Whey Protein - 908g

Porcja: 30 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 30
Opakowanie: 908 g
Mass net: 908.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 30 g % RWS* na 100 g % RWS*
Wartość Energetyczna (energia) 495 kJ / 234 kcal - 1650 kJ / 390 kcal -
Tłuszcz 1.8 g - 6.0 g -
- w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0.8 g - 2.6 g -
Węglowodany 4.2 g - 14 g -
- w tym cukry 1.2 g - 4.0 g -
Białko 21 g - 70 g -
Sól 0.10 g - 0.33 g -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Mogą wystąpić różnice w zawartości soli w produkcie o smaku: czekoladowym, solony karmel, czekolady z karmelem.


Składniki: 87%2,3,4,7,11,12 / 86%5,6,8,9 / 83%1 / 82%10 koncentrat białka serwatkowego [koncentrat białka serwatkowego (z mleka); emulgator (lecytyny)]; maltodekstryna; aromaty (w tym aromaty z mleka5,10); regulator kwasowości (kwas cytrynowy6); barwnik (karmel amoniakalny1,10); substancja zagęszczająca (guma celulozowa); koncentrat soku buraczanego w proszku6,8,9; sól1,5,10; substancja słodząca (sukraloza); barwniki (karoteny12; kompleksy miedziowe chlorofili i chlorofilin11; karmel amoniakalny3,4,5).


Dotyczy produktu o smaku: 1czekoladowym, 2kokosowym, 3ciasteczkowym, 4orzechowym, ­5solony karmel, 6truskawkowym, 7waniliowym, 8białej czekolady z maliną, 9białej czekolady z truskawką, 10czekolady z karmelem, 11pistacjowym, 12bananowym.


Produkt może zawierać: soję, zboża zawierające gluten, ryby i orzeszki ziemne.

Advanced Multivitamin Complex

Food supplement. Complex with vitamins (transparent capsule) and minerals (black capsule). The product is recommended for physically active people and/or at risk of micro- and macronutrient deficiency. Pantothenic acid, manganese, copper, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron contribute to maintaining proper energy metabolism. Chromium, zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal macronutrient metabolism. Zinc, folate, copper, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron help in the proper functioning of the immune system. Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E help protect cells from oxidative stress. Folates, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin D helps in the proper functioning of muscles.

Recommended use

Take a single portion of the product - 1 capsule of vitamins and 1 capsule of minerals with 300 ml of water. The portion of the product recommended for consumption during the day is 2 capsules (1 capsule of vitamins, 1 capsule of minerals).


Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. The product cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The preparation is not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


Store in a dry room, in a closed container, at a temperature of 15-25°C, out of the reach of young children. Protect from light and moisture. After opening, consume within 3 months.

Protein and vitamins for women + shaker
