Beta-alanine - 200g

Tax included
248 portions / 200g1 portion / PLN0.12100 g / PLN15.00

Beta alanine powder with the addition of vitamin B6 with great bioavailability. It increases endurance and efficiency, which allows for longer and more intense workouts.

Beta-alanine - what is worth knowing

Beta-alanine is a compound that belongs to the group of non-protein amino acids. Beta-alanine together with L-histidine forms the dipeptide carnosine. In the human body, carnosine is located mainly in muscle tissue, but also in the heart and brain. Carnosine is a physicochemical buffer in the muscles that has a protective effect against pH changes. According to the 2012 scientific article Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis published in Amino Acids, muscle acidification can cause fatigue during high-intensity exercise, and increasing muscle carnosine concentration increases intracellular buffering capacity which delays the onset of fatigue. Beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase carnosine levels in muscle fibers. In the article cited above, the researchers concluded that beta-alanine supplementation produces a significant ergogenic effect on high-intensity exercise, particularly in tests and measures of exercise capacity, and when exercise lasts 1 to 4 minutes. Given the types, intensity, and duration of exercise positively affected by β-alanine supplementation, the most likely mechanism to support the benefit is an increase in intracellular pH buffering as a result of an increase in muscle carnosine levels.

Properties of vitamin B6

It is worth knowing that vitamin B6 has over 100 functions in the human body; is involved in many life processes. First of all, it is a coenzyme of many mechanisms taking place in cells. It is important to remember that vitamin B6 helps in the proper production of red blood cells and in the synthesis of cysteine. It contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and (which is important for people who train hard) vitamin B6 contributes to maintaining proper protein and glycogen metabolism. This vitamin helps in the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems. It also supports the maintenance of normal psychological functions, as well as the maintenance of normal homocysteine metabolism.

Are you a person with increased physical activity? 6PAK Nutrition Beta-alanine is the perfect product for you! Choose support in the form of beta-alanine and vitamin B6!


  1. Hobson R.,M., Saunders B., Ball G., Harris R. C., Sale C., Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis, Amino Acids. 2012 Jul;43(1):25-37.
  3. Delavier F., Gundill M., Suplementy żywnościowe dla sportowców, Wydawnictwo JK, Łódź 2010, s. 116-117.
  4. Wiąckowski S. K., Abecadło witamin i pierwiastków, Wydawnictwo Tower Press, Gdańsk 2004, s. 43-44.
  5. Rozporządzenie Komisji (UE) NR 432/2012 z dnia 16 maja 2012 r. ustanawiające wykaz dopuszczonych oświadczeń zdrowotnych dotyczących żywności, innych niż oświadczenia odnoszące się do zmniejszenia ryzyka choroby oraz rozwoju i zdrowia dzieci.

Beta-alanine - 200g

Porcja: 0.805 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 248
Opakowanie: 200 g
Mass net: 200.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 0.805 g(1 miarka) % RWS*
Beta-alanina 800 mg -
Witamina B6 1.4 mg 100%

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: beta-alanina (99 %), substancja przeciwzbrylająca (dwutlenek krzemu), witamina B6 (chlorowodorek pirydoksyny).

Produkt może zawierać: mleko, soję, zboża zawierających gluten, ryby i orzeszki ziemne.


Food supplement. Pre-workout formula based on beta-alanine enriched with vitamin B6. The product is intended for people performing increased physical activities. Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Recommended use

Mix 1 serving size (805 mg) with with 150 ml of water. Drink up to 3 servings daily, preferably before training. Use on training days. Recommended daily portion is 2,415 g.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. Children, pregnant or nursing women must not take the product. Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of young children. Protect from direct sunlight.

Beta-alanine - 200g
