Protein & Creatine & Fat Burner & Shaker

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An excellent set of food supplements dedicated to everyone who wants to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Protein supplement, fat burner, creatine and shaker at an attractively low price!

This pack contains

Milky Shake Whey

Innovative formula combining whey concentrate with buttermilk

6PAK Nutrition Milky Shake Whey stands out from similar products in that it contains buttermilk and a new, improved formula of whey protein concentrate. Thanks to this, using only water, you will get a thick drink with an excellent milky taste. The source of protein (71%) is high-quality whey concentrate (WPC). Other important features are low fat content, no aspartame and no gluten.

The product is an ideal proposition for people involved in sports, whose demand for protein in the diet increases, especially recommended during strength, endurance and endurance training. Proteins are a source of amino acids for the body, as a result, they contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and help maintain healthy bones. The instant formula allows you to easily and quickly prepare a delicious shake.

The perfect protein supplement for the most demanding

6PAK Nutrition Milky Shake Whey is a high-protein nutrient designed to provide all physically active people with not only wholesome proteins, but also the sensational taste and consistency of a thick shake. By choosing this product, you focus on the highest quality and original solutions at a reasonable price. The formula of the supplement is based only on a wholesome source of protein, which is whey protein concentrate (WPC). It is characterized by a very good amino acid profile (very similar to the standard aminogram of human protein). The body's need for nutrients increases with physical activity. Sometimes it is difficult to provide the right amount of wholesome protein, which makes us reach for high-protein supplements.

Even better solubility thanks to the instant formula

It should also be emphasized the instantaneous formula of the nutrient, which makes the solubility of each serving easy. The high concentration of branched chain amino acids BCAA and EAA improves regeneration, but also protects the muscles against catabolism. Muscle tissue consists of about 35% of BCAA amino acids (L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine) - it is therefore worth ensuring their adequate supply in your daily diet. The more that they are not synthesized by the human body.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine - what do you know about it

Creatine belongs to the group of amino acids and is found mainly in muscle tissue (approx. 95%). It is available in the form of phosphocreatine and free creatine, the sum of which for an average-sized man is about 120 g. The energy supplied during and after intense exercise depends largely on the amount of phosphocreatine stored in the muscle. As phosphocreatine stores are depleted during intense exercise, energy availability decreases due to the inability to resynthesis ATP at the rate required to sustain high-intensity exercise. As a result, the ability to maintain maximum effort decreases. The availability of phosphocreatine in the muscle can significantly affect the amount of energy produced during short periods of high-intensity exercise.

Interesting information

A scientific publication published in 2007 in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reviewed research on creatine. According to the data provided in the article, several hundred scientific studies have been conducted to evaluate creatine monohydrate supplementation in improving exercise performance. Nearly 70% of these studies reported a significant improvement in exercise capacity with creatine supplementation, with average increases in performance typically ranging from 10 to 15%. It was also indicated that almost all studies show that supplementation with creatine monohydrate increases body weight by about 1-2 kg in the first week of loading. The authors report that this may be the result of an improved ability to perform high-intensity exercise through increased phosphocreatine availability and improved ATP synthesis, thereby enabling athletes to train harder and promote greater muscle growth.

6PAK Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate - support for your intense workouts in the form of creatine monohydrate!


  1. Buford T. W., Kreider R. B., Stout J. R., Greenwood M., Campbell B. (et al.), International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise, The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2007; 4: 6.
  2. Kreider R. B., Stout J. R., Greenwood M., Kreatyna, Sport Wyczynowy, 2003, Nr 1-2/457-458, s. 17-23.
  3. Rozporządzenie Komisji (UE) NR 432/2012 z dnia 16 maja 2012 r. ustanawiające wykaz dopuszczonych oświadczeń zdrowotnych dotyczących żywności, innych niż oświadczenia odnoszące się do zmniejszenia ryzyka choroby oraz rozwoju i zdrowia dzieci.

Heat Caps

Ingredients that affect the metabolism

Heat Caps is a food supplement in capsules, based on natural plant extracts in proportions that have a beneficial effect on the body during the period of fat reduction.

The capsaicin contained in the product, in addition to antibacterial properties, may also have a beneficial effect on accelerating metabolism, stimulating the body to produce dopamine and adrenaline. It also affects thermogenesis, increasing heat production.

The ingredient that complements the action of capsaicin is synephrine, responsible for activating lipolysis, i.e. the process of fat breakdown. It is worth mentioning that synephrine has an effect similar to ephedrine, but it should be emphasized that it is a fully legal substance.

Natural diuretic extracts

A noteworthy ingredient contained in Heat Caps is also dandelion, which has a diuretic effect (similar to horsetail), which has cleansing properties for the body.

Caffeine for even more stimulation

The caffeine contained in the product increases energy production, and has a positive effect on the metabolic system, and helps to improve concentration and increase focus.

Heat Caps - 90 kaps.

Porcja: 3 kaps.
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 30
Opakowanie: 90 kaps.
Mass net: 56.70 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 3 kaps. % RWS*
Ekstrakt z zielonej herbaty 200 mg -
- w tym EGCG 110 mg -
Ekstrakt z korzenia imbiru 200 mg -
- w tym gingerole 10 mg -
Kofeina (całkowita zawartość) 200 mg -
Ekstrakt z korzenia mniszka lekarskiego 200 mg -
Ekstrakt z gorzkiej pomarańczy 200 mg -
- w tym synefryna 20 mg -
Ekstrakt z pieprzu kajeńskiego 100 mg -
- w tym kapsaicyna 2 mg -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: ekstrakt z zielonej herbaty (Camellia sinensis) [55% EGCG], ekstrakt z korzenia imbiru (Zingiber officinale) [5% gingeroli], ekstrakt z korzenia mniszka lekarskiego (Taraxacum officinale), ekstrakt z gorzkiej pomarańczy (Citrus aurantium) [10% synefryny], kofeina bezwodna, otoczka kapsułki (żelatyna)B / (substancja glazurująca - hydroksypropylometyloceluloza)C, ekstrakt z pieprzu kajeńskiego (Capsicum annuum) [2% kapsaicyny], substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych).

B,C Patrz symbol za numerem partii produkcyjnej

Produkt może zawierać: mleko, soję, zboża zawierające gluten, jaja, orzeszki ziemne i orzechy.

Creatine Monohydrate - 300g

Porcja: 6 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 50
Opakowanie: 300 g
Mass net: 300.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 6 g % RWS*
Monohydrat kreatyny 4700 mg -
- w tym kreatyna 4136 mg -
Tauryna 300 mg -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Wartości odżywcze w tabeli podane są dla produktu w wersji smakowej (grapefruit, cytryna, pomarańcz).

Składniki (dla produktu o smaku grapefruitowym): monohydrat kreatyny 78%, regulator kwasowości (kwas cytrynowy), tauryna, maltodekstryna, aromat, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (dwutlenek krzemu), substancja słodząca (sukraloza), koncentrat soku buraczanego w proszku (dla zabarwienia).

Składniki (dla produktu o smaku cytrynowym): monohydrat kreatyny 78%, regulator kwasowości (kwas cytrynowy), tauryna, maltodekstryna, aromat, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (dwutlenek krzemu), substancja słodząca (sukraloza), barwnik (karoteny).

Składniki (dla produktu o smaku pomarańczy): monohydrat kreatyny 78%, regulator kwasowości (kwas cytrynowy), tauryna, maltodekstryna, aromat, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (dwutlenek krzemu), substancja słodząca (sukraloza), barwnik (karoteny).

Składniki (dla produktu o smaku naturalnym): monohydrat kreatyny 94%, tauryna. Porcja dla tej wersji smakowej to 5 g.

Produkt może zawierać mleko, soję, zboża zawierające gluten, jaja, orzeszki ziemne i orzechy.

copy of Milky Shake Whey - 700g

Porcja: 30 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 23
Opakowanie: 700 g
Mass net: 700.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 30 g % RWS* na 100 g % RWS*
Wartość Energetyczna (energia) 487 kJ / 116 kcal - 1621 kJ / 383 kcal -
Tłuszcz 2.0 g - 6.6 g -
- w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 1.3 g - 4.3 g -
Węglowodany 4.5 g - 15 g -
- w tym cukry 3.9 g - 13 g -
Białko 20 g - 66 g -
Sól 0.19 g - 0.63 g -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Wartości odżywcze podane są dla produktu o w wersjach smakowych, za wyjątkiem smaku czekoladowego. Mogą się od siebie różnić w zależności od wybranej wersji smakowej.


Składniki: 78% / 76%10 / 74%1 koncentrat białka serwatkowego (z mleka) [koncentrat białka serwatkowego (z mleka), emulgator (lecytyny)], 20%4,5,9,10 / 19%2,7,11 / 18%6,8 / 17%1,3 maślanka (z mleka), kakao w proszku1, aromaty (w tym aromaty z mleka4,6,7,10 i orzeszków ziemnych9), substancja zagęszczająca (guma celulozowa), barwnik (karmel amoniakalny8), koncentrat soku z czarnej marchwi w proszku10, sól1, regulator kwasowości (kwas cytrynowy)3, koncentrat soku z buraka w proszku3, barwnik (karmel amoniakalny7), substancja słodząca (sukraloza), barwniki (karmel amoniakalny6,9, kompleksy miedziowe chlorofili i chlorofilin11, karoteny9).


Dotyczy produktu o smaku: 1czekoladowym, 2waniliowym, 3truskawkowym, 4kokosowym, 5lodów waniliowych, 6ciasteczkowym, 7caffe latte, 8kokosowo-czekoladowym, 9orzechowo-bananowym, 10jagodowym, 11lodów pistacjowych.


Produkt może zawierać: soję, zboża zawierające gluten, ryby i orzeszki ziemne1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11.

Heat Caps

Food supplement. Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women (200 mg / daily serving). Product contains plant extracts and caffeine. Green tea supports metabolism and fat oxidation. Bitter orange supports the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Ginger affects the proper functioning of the muscles. Product is recommended for both active and inactive people.

Recommended use

Take 3 capsules a day with sufficient amount of liquid, preferably 30 minutes before the workout. Please note: Should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Should not be consumed if you are consuming other products containing green tea on the same day. Should not to consume a daily amount of 800 mg of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate or more. Do not consume with other products that constitute a source of caffeine or other ingredients with similar effects! Recommended daily portion is 3 capsules. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Due to the content of Capsicum annuum, at the beginning of the intake, it is suggested to gradually extend the daily dose to the recommended daily consumption. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the supplement compounds. Food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and well balanced diet.  Should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women and children below 18 years old. Do not mix with alcohol. Due to the high content of caffeine (200 mg / daily serving), the product is contraindicated for diabetics and people sensitive to caffeine, with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Do not exceed consumption of 400 mg of caffeine daily. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended.


Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of young children. Protect from light and moisture. After opening consume within 3 months.

Creatine Monohydrate

Food supplement. With sweetener (for flavored product). Pre-workout product providing creatine monohydrate and taurine. Product recommended for adults performing high intensity exercise specially due to the fact that creatine increases physical performance in successive bursts of short-term, high intensity exercise. Beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of creatine.

Recommended use (for flavored product)

Mix 1 scoop of powder (6 g) with 150 ml of water. Drink 1 portion daily, 30 minutes before training. Recommended daily portion is 6 g. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Recommended use (for unflavoured/natural product)

Mix 1 scoop of powder (5 g) with 150 ml of water. Drink 1 portion daily, 30 minutes before training. Recommended daily portion is 5 g. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Do not use if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. By children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product. Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of young children. Protect from light and moisture. After opening consume within 3 months.

Milky Shake Whey

Food supplement. With sweetener. Protein supplement based on whey protein concentrate with buttermilk, available in 17 delicious, unique flavours. The product is ideal for persons professionally involved in sports, who experience an increased demand for protein in their diet, particularly recommended during strength and endurance trainings. Proteins constitute a source of amino acids for the body and as a result, contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and contribute to the maintenance of normal bones. Instant formula allows for easy and quick preparation of a delicious shake.

Recommended use

Mix 1 serving size (30 g) with 200 ml of water or skimmed milk. Use 1st portion before and 2nd portion immediately after workout. Recommended daily portion is 60 g. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. Children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product. Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


Keep this packaging tightly closed in a dry place, at the temperature of 15-25°C. Keep out of reach of young children. Protect from light and moisture. After opening consume within 3 months.

Protein & Creatine & Fat Burner & Shaker
